Your hair style, its texture can define you and your personality to certain extent. We all have to embrace our hair type and style it in a way which flatters most to us or our life style and personalities. If you have healthy hair to begin with you won’t need all those expensive treatment, chemicals and hair products. Have you ever noticed that your hair responds to stress, pollutants, poor health, life style changes. Each of the hair root is embedded  deep in scalp with direct contact with arteries. Any imbalances or toxins in blood directly affects  hair as well.
Here are eight healthy hair habits to get you started.
1. Balanced diet:  Diet rich in fruit, vegetables, protein and minerals  is the first step towards healthy hair. Embrace supplements to give yourself extra boost.
2. Manage stress: Excess stress can be a reason for dull locks and hair loss. Managing stress can boost health of  hair and body. So go ahead and do some yoga, take a walk, listen to music, sip that herbal tea and relax, you deserve it.
3. Reduce Chemical damage: The more heat and products is used on those locks the weaker it becomes. Heat drying or ironing literally fries the hair. The chemical used in terms of colors, gels, setting spray etc harm health of cuticles. Try to go as natural as possible. Blow dry hair after it is already half dry.
4. Wear protection: Environmental factors can damage hair just like skin. Try to cover hair to save it from harmful sun rays and pollutions. It will prevent hair from drying.
5. Cold Rinse: Who does not love hot bath or showers- apparently your hair does not. After shampooing and washing hair, rinse it with cold water to add shine, close all the open pores and tighten the cuticles.
6. Regular trimm: Trim every 6-8 week is very important to maintain the health of your maine. It will keep it looking neat, taken care of and at the same time there will no split & frayed ends.
7. Condition: Conditioning is one of the most important step to nourish hair. Apply  coconut or olive oil before shampooing to hydrate hair naturally. If oil is not your thing then massage your scalp with your favorite conditioner before shampooing to give that extra care it needs. Do it at least once a week.
8. Brush and tying: Brushing your mane 50-100 times daily will increase the blood circulation giving it healthy glow. Don’t forget to tie your hair neatly at night. It will reduce excess friction on pillow and tangling. It ensure that you get less split ends and hair fall.



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