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Looking for simple skin treatment which will fade tan or blotchiness.. look no further than your own refrigerator. Yes .. Plain yogurt mask is very effective, gentle and soothing to all skin types (except for very sensitive skin), repeated use actually evens the tone and get your skin glowing. Recipe: Take 1 TBSP plain yoghurt and apply it on face and neck. Let is sit for 15-20 min and wash off. Follow with moisturizer. This mask become more effective with repeated use. Use as needed or 1-2 times a week.

Ever wondered how Cleopatra treated herself. Well, don’t get intimidated by the thought of it. Here is an easy DIY recipe for Cleopatra milk bath for you, so you can enjoy luxurious and nourishing bath right at the comfort of your own home. Go ahead and treat the inner Cleopatra in you. Immerse yourself in the luxury of milk bath to nourish, moisturize and heal your skin. → Read more

This is a powerful DIY face mask is rich in Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) which naturally tones, reduces fine lines and tightens the skin. It is suitable for all skin types. All you need is a grape fruit and yoghurt. The presence of live culture in yogurt along with lactic acid, zinc and other minerals and enzymes ensures that you are left with a healthy, glowing, soft and younger looking skin after its usage. Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamins which can provide an array of anti-aging benefits like evening skin tone and fighting off free radicals. → Read more

Eyes talk a lot about you and your health. Eyes are the window to your inner self. It also the most delicate part. Eyes are used all the time, the skin around the eye is the first to get fine line, wrinkles or tired sign. Eyes suffer from lack of sleep, stress, smoke, pollution, excess screen time, poor nutrition, health, makeup and sun etc. As a result it look puffy, tired, bloodshot or irritated. There are some natural remedies out there which can brighten, de-puff and refresh eyes. Here are some of them for your healthy eyes. → Read more

“If you are looking for a great gift for woman in your life, look no further! Bath and body products are always a fool proof gift for women so Ame Body Care is the perfect place to look to for the holidays.

Ame Body Care is an organic body care company that focuses on natural and organic ingredients to benefit both the people who use the products and the plants used to make them! Their amazing products will nourish, hydrate, cleanse and rejuvenate your skin to make you not only shine with beauty, but keep it healthy with all natural ingredients. What is also great about the Ame Body Care products is that they donate a portion of each sale to March of Dimes, a non-profit working towards health of babies and mothers!

The product we had the pleasure to review is the Ame Body Care Vanilla Bean Rose Body Scrub.

Now for me, body scrubs are an addiction. I absolutely love the way they make my skin feel afterwards and I practically use them every other day! This scrub is now one of my top favorites. It is made with organic madagascar vanilla bean and organic rose petals and rose oil lock in moisture. So not only are you getting rid of dead skin cells to make your skin soft and smooth, but you are getting the moisture of the rose oil as well!

When first opening, the scent is much more rose rather than vanilla. The sugar scrub is also much more moisturized than other scrubs I have used. It has a great texture, almost like a moist, brown sugar feel. What is really neat is that the rose oil and rose petals are known for improving blood circulation, the immune system and aid body healing by reducing skin inflammation and repairing broken capillaries. So not only will you look the part of being beautiful, but you are also keeping your body healthy and nurished!

Ame Body Care also has many other great products that are perfect for holiday gifts! Can’t decide on which one to get for your loved one? Check out their Subscription Cards and Gift Cards! Great as gifts or stocking stuffers.

Be sure to come back for other great reviews of Ame Body Care and follow them on Facebook and Twitter for newest product additions and savings! You won’t want to miss out on great deals and products this holiday season!”

By Real Reviews by Savvy K